Truckload Forecast for the Holiday Season

Now that everyone has finished trick or treating and put away their Elsa, Ninja Turtles, and Harley Quinn costumes, consumers are beginning to be conditioned for large retail events such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday. This season not only ramps up for retailers but there is a great emphasis across most industries and manufacturers to manage end of year inventories and warehouses. Don’t forget most of this happens in the midst of some of the harshest weather Mother Nature churns across this great nation’s land, waterways, and air. How can these challenges be met and more specifically how does Priority1’s Truckload Division provide solutions and answers to them?
Priority1’s Truckload Team has been composing solutions continuously over the past 24 months. A concentrated effort has been made to invest in the talent behind the brand and the infrastructure supporting the operation. This plan for success is now coming to fruition. Truckload has consistently hit new records. Freight will continue to move at a frantic pace through the end of the year and the Truckload Team is prepared. As outlined in previous updates, Truckload has added additional staff in anticipation of the seasonal growth of our customer’s and partner’s needs. Truckload has expanded their coverage capabilities from the back office support perspective to mirror Priority1’s growth out West.
In an effort to maintain rapid response and superior support, Truckload works with a keen eye on operational improvements and streamlined processes. Offering an agile support team and system allow Priority1 the ability to provide swift solutions during these winter months when flexibility is vital. The swell of excess freight on the west coast that has caused a load to truck ratio that is significantly in the carrier’s favor will exist through the holiday season. This time of year we really have to lean on the relationships that we have garnered over the previous 9-10 months to assure to our customers that we can still provide them the service they have become so accustomed to.
As we near Black Friday we will see things tighten up throughout the country. We can expect that to carry on through the 1st of the year. The silver lining on this information is that Christmas is only a few weeks away. We will see a sizable swing in available freight after that, which will bring rates back to where they should be.
Truckload has anticipated industry demands and the logistic challenges of our clients and partners and their peak seasons. A proactive approach has given Truckload the ability to pivot with their customer’s needs and demands without adverse impact to any other customer or dependable. A refined approach to logistics backed by a collection of talent allows Priority1 to continue to make a difference with its people and its plan.

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