Employee of the Quarter: Jessica Smith

Each quarter, Priority1 aims to highlight a hard-working, dedicated employee who continues to fly high above their pre-set expectations. This quarter, Priority1 has the great pleasure of highlighting Jessica Smith. Originally a local of Pine Bluff, Arkansas, Jessica’s formal title is Financial Services Analyst, but her job description leans more towards Accounts Receivable. She manages a portfolio of direct and indirect sales accounts, working as a liaison between Priority1, the sales teams, and Priority1’s customers. Jessica is a problem solver through and through, and her second employment anniversary will be in March of 2021.

“Jessica is a huge asset to the Financial Services Department and Priority1. She is always going above and beyond to provide excellent customer service to both internal and external customers.” — Carrie Alexander, Financial Services Manager.

A significant milestone of Jessica’s career occurred in June 2020 when she smashed her goal of less than 25% on beyond terms, ending with 11% total. Jessica is motivated by “the profuse ability we have to change our circumstances at any given time.” When asked, she compares life to standing in an endless valley. “When you’re standing in the valley, looking up at the peaks, it can seem intimidating, but when you just take one step, then you’re already one step closer to an entirely different view.”

Jessica sows her positive attitude into province or family with two children, two dogs, and a house on four beautiful acres of land. Hiking, fishing, and road trips are the mere tip of her passions, including studying law. With a bachelor’s degree in Science from the University of Central Arkansas, Jessica plans to attend law school this Fall. Her advice for new employees is short and sweet: take ownership of your position by using your problem-solving and analytical skills.

“The one thing that drew me to Priority1 was how it takes care of the employees. From great benefits, incentives, flexible schedules, and understanding management teams, it is effortless to give your all, plus some, for a company that does the same.” — Jessica Smith, Financial Services Analyst.

From all of us at Priority1, thank you, Jessica, for your hard work and commitment to our Financial Services Department. Tune in next quarter for another employee highlight!

Par : Caela Fugate